Kids make up over 25% of our club membership! We have lots of activities to support their love and learning of rocks – so come join the fun!
At our monthly meetings, the kids are taken into a separate meeting area, where under the guidance of a seasoned geologist they get to participate in a wide variety of hands-on experiences related to rocks, minerals, fossils, and lapidary arts. In addition to getting the chance to build their own collections, kids are enrolled in the the national Future Rockhounds of America (FRA) program and can earn badges. Kids also get to participate in special activities at other club events including our field trips, our annual Rock and Gem Show, and hands-on demonstration days.
There are 20 different programs, each with its own activities and badge:
- Rocks & Minerals
- Earth Resources
- Fossils
- Lapidary Arts
- Collecting
- Showmanship
- Communication
- Field Trips
- Leadership
- Earth in Space
- Gemstone Lore & Legend
- Earth Processes
- Stone Age Tools & Art
- Gold Panning & Prospecting
- Rocking on the Computer
- The World in Miniature
- Special Effects
- Fluorescent Minerals
- Reaching Across Generations
- Maps
Click the link below to learn more about the Junior Rockhounds program.