Club Meetings
General Meeting
When: third Monday of each month
Time: 7:00pm
Everyone is welcome to attend the monthly general meetings. Presentations will be announced monthly so check back often find out what we will be learning about.
Board Meeting
When: first Monday of each month
Time: 7:00pm
Current Santa Lucia Rockhounds club members are welcome to attend any board meeting.
Meeting Location
Templeton Community Building
601 Main St. – Templeton

AFMS Member
The AFMS is a non-profit educational federation of seven similar regional organizations of gem, mineral and lapidary societies.

CFMS Member
The CFMS represents Mineralogical and Lapidary clubs in California, Nevada, and Hawaii.

Santa Lucia Rockhounds
We are a a non-profit organization founded in 1992. Our club rock is the Biconoid. Biconoids are the core of Thundereggs found in the Templeton area.
CFMS First Place (New Editor)
Our very own Beth Walls was presented the CFMS First Place award for New Editors by Wayne Mills. She works very hard and does an incredible job every month to put together the best newsletter out of all of the CFMS clubs.
Beth is also in the running for best new editor out of all of the AFMS clubs. The AFMS yearly meeting is coming up soon so we wish Beth good luck!

Field Trips
A few times a year the club gets out as a group to look at the local geology and collect minerals and fossils. Past field trips have been to locations for sharks’ teeth, fossil shells, jasper, agate, thunderers, etc. Other trips have been to museums or to look at geologic features on the San Andreas fault and at Estero Bluffs. Field trips are for club members only!
Join our club!
Latest Meetings
Want to Learn More?
Check out the geology related articles below.
contact information
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If you have any questions upcoming events or membership, feel free to contact us using the form below.
Copyright © 2023 Santa Lucia Rockhounds.